Hello, I'm Doug Wood, Republican candidate for State Representative Chittenden 20 District, Colchester.

For far too long, we have sent politicians to Montpelier who do nothing to make Vermont more affordable or safer for us in our cities and towns. They have little care for the constituents who voted them in. This has to change. I will be tackling the issues that matter the most to Vermonters.

Housing, Heating and Fuel increases have become too expensive for the average Vermonter. We will stop legislation that continues to increase these needless fees. 

2. Law and Order

We will support all law enforcement and stop the unsuccessful 'restorative justice' relief program. The catch and release program for repeat offenders has proven it seriously puts all of us risk. Safe communities are productive communities. This needs to happen now.

3. Taxes

The current Legislature with override vetoes, increased property taxes (The yield bill) an average, (AN AVERAGE!) of 14%. We need to stop the outlandish spending in Montpelier and decrease the tax burden on Vermonters.  prices

Representing Colchester District: CHI-20

Chittenden-20 is Colchester Village and the areas east of I-89 including the areas of Fort Ethan Allen up to the Colchester areas of Chimney Corners towards the Sand Bar 

Click on the map to explore the new legislative district.